Thursday, July 13, 2006

Wedding Planning

Once again, it's very, very, very hot in Maryville (95 yesterday, 91 today, 97 Saturday, 98 Sunday) ... but not at our place ... thankfully, the HVAC crew passed their certification test and finished up the heat pump installation, and we've been in cool comfort for the last few days (especially since the storms that came through yesterday evening). We're hoping we can go to the local county fair sometime today or tomorrow.

On other fronts, Lauren and I finally started doing wedding planning (budgeting, getting reservations, checking with family, etc.). It's been a little stressful at times (paring down the guest list, for one thing), but slowly but surely we've been making arrangements (church, officiant, and reception), designing our invites, pouring over websites for cost-conscious wedding ideas, doing our budget planning, selecting attendants, and coming up with something nice out of it for all of us. We'll have more details later as we go. In case anyone is wondering, we're registered at Wal-Mart, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, and ... just do a search on either Leach-Steffens or the reverse, and you should find us.