Saturday, January 21, 2006

Remaining Hopeful

I was telling a former boss yesterday that the hardest part about being laid off was that I've generally been employable. This is the first time that I've been involuntarily unemployed, and I've only been voluntarily unemployed once (and that was for about a month and a half when I moved up to Des Moines and finished graduate school). I got a part-time job at a Waldenbooks, then got hired by my current company, and have been steadily employed ever since, so with one interruption, I've been employed since 1994 (12 years).

Is being laid off a shock to the psyche? Yes, it is, and there's small comfort in knowing that I'm not alone at my company.

So now the question is: where do I go from here? I've got skills, talent, and knowledge. I just have to find the right opportunity.

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