Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thawing Out

Lauren was up this weekend, as you probably guessed from the previous post. It was chilly enough that we mainly stayed in, apart from an emergency trip to the repair shop for a new car battery (the old one died under the -16 degree weather yesterday), and a trip down to the Home and Garden Show on Saturday down at the local events center, where we got to check out the latest in home trends, smell wonderful flowers, and try out one vendor's sauna.

Goodness knows, I can't remember when I considered temps in the low 20s reasonably warm, but there it is.

Sigh ... she's only been gone for over an hour, and I already miss Lauren. A lot. Yeah, it sounds cheesy, but I was taking off my sweater, and realized that it held her scent from cuddling earlier. Maybe I'm getting sentimental ... romantic ... whatever.

It's funny ... she just called to let me know she'd arrived safely back in Maryville, and she told me she was feeling some of the same things, too.

I already knew it was love, but it's nice to be reminded of it ;-)

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