Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Back to Work amid the Bleakness (Cheshirekitty speaks)

I know, I know -- I am just so spoiled working in academia. While Richard got only a few days at Christmas (some of them bereavement leave from my mom's death), I have been off work from about the 20th of December until tomorrow -- almost 3 weeks. On the other hand, end-of-semester is usually insane enough that I NEED at least two weeks to recover. This year, the extra time was welcome because it gave me a little more peace to process my mom's death.

Spring semester's arrival isn't as momentous as the beginning of the school year in Fall. There are fewer rituals -- although we have a campus-wide meeting on Friday (just as we did at the beginning of Fall semester), we don't have events like the President's lawn party at Gaunt House. Add that to the fact that Fall semester ends with the whirl of campus Christmas events, and the beginning of Spring semester seems like an afterthought.

Spring semester comes in like a lamb, and will (like many Springs) go out like a lion. With extensive planning for the annual department banquet, coordinating the Department centennial, and serving on a search committee to replace our department chair, in addition to the usual teaching/research/service components of my job, it will be a crazy-busy semester.

Guess I needed that three-week break after all!

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